
As Pinal County Superintendent, I work hard to make sure that the responsibilities of the office are executed with excellence, and that I have good people in place who can do the work. I am proud of the work that we will continue to do. Here are some of the things that the office is responsible for:

  • Fiscal Services
  • Accommodation District, Mary C. O’Brien
  • Juvenile Detention Education Program
  • Pinal County Jail Education Program
  • District Bond, Override, School Board Elections (filing Office)
  • Home school Affidavits (filing office)
  • Professional Development (Education Service Agency)
  • School Board Appointments in the event of a vacancy


My team and I never stop working to support Pinal County schools and families. Here are a few of the progams we are working to implement to ensure that the most effective resources get into the hands of our teachers, students and families

  • Leading source for cyber security for our districts
  • advance Cyber education
  • grow community involvement and awareness
  • Expand services and delivery options for our ESA services
  • Shared services between districts for hard to fill, specialty positions
  • Expand CTE, Trade School, and dual enrollment options
  • Assist districts with a “grow your own” teacher preparation
  • Grow our capacity to serve more teachers in our New Teacher Support Network
  • Provide an online repository of resources for home school families
  • Continue to advocate for our districts and families at the AZ Legislature and in Washington DC.